
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rambling through the Woods - Upcoming week and Site Changes

Good morning to all,

I hope your day is blessed, active, happy and full of worship, family and fun.  Sunday is probably my favorite day of the week.  I love Sunday's.  We go early to do latte's and love the time of worship and being able to spend a little more time visiting and talking.  After church, we have a pot luck.  It is always a happy, busy, chaotic, joyful time.

I always think it is the best part of the week to come together for worship and the word in a community.  No matter where you are, you should go be with your community of faith on Sunday.   We were created to worship God, and to come together in Spirit and Truth (worship and word). Join your community of believers for healing, life, balance, growth, joy and a wonderful time of reconnection!

So, this week it is my plan to focus on milk and milk products.  I am looking for input on how you use it, ways to prepare it, and what we can learn.  We have made the switch to raw milk at our house and we are trying to learn to like kefir just like milk.  It has a different taste and texture, but is not bad.  I am bringing some to church to see how it works in latte's.  Experiment in progress.
So, I would like to give a total opinion here..... If you are in your childbearing years, or thinking about ever having a baby, or are pregnant, or are thinking about becoming pregnant...... find a way to switch to organic, grass fed, raw milk and milk products. You do need to learn how to deal with them. I have been culturing mine for two reasons.... preservation and gut health.

This is guys and girls. Get your reproductive parts working as well as possible, and keep them working. Raw, organic, grass-fed milk and milk products would be one of the top changes I would make if I were in those years.
 The main reason.... take responsibility YOURSELF for giving your children the best possible opportunity to be healthy and well. Do NOT subcontract it out to your doctor, your mother, your chiropractor, your best friend..... all of these are good resources, but you should do your own due diligence on this, one of the most important things anyone can do.
Give your body the best possible chance for a health and energetic pregnancy. Do some research and spend some time thinking about this. The book I am reading is "Healing our Children". You can read portions of it on line.

As for this upcoming week, I have been going through all of the posts and adding a "Path to Progress" on the bottom of the Basic Plan pages to give some direction for new users.  As I have been going through I have found links that don't work :( and a couple of opinion pages that needed changed.  I am hoping to get these updated this week.  I am about half way through the process.  This has been a steep learning curve for me... but I kind of like steep learning curves :)  If you find something that does not work or does not make sense, could someone let me know?

Also, I would love to post some of your ideas, recipes and pictures on milk and milk products.  I have pictures and a story ready on raw, cultured butter and will probably put it on later today or tonight.  If you have tried something, or are planning to try something, can you take pictures, write out how it went and share it with all of us.  Jamie has sent me a great series on kefir, and I think she plans to try making some cream cheese desserts and letting us know how they went.

There are still quite a few recipes I need to add on sourdough, so that will continue.  Becky is working on the sourdough cinnamon roll recipe with cultured cream cheese topping.  She is planning to bring some to the class on Tuesday.  YUM - take pictures Becky :)

I am working right now on the top ten reasons to switch to raw, grass fed milk.  It should go up tonight.  Right now... the bread is out of the oven, the soup is bubbling, the boys are ready.... Time for me to go. 

Be blessed, healthy and well,