
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Real Food Challenge

Lately I have been tracking a neat blog that outlined a twenty eight day challenge.  I have not signed on myself, but have been following her blog some.  The challenge was to eat NO processed foods for twenty eight days.  Every day she upped the ante and learned something new.  It is really a neat way to go, if you are already on that path or are the personality type to make rapid changes well.

Personally, I am not really a fan of immersion type of changes in food and lifestyle.  It seems to bring a lot of disruption in the household, a lot of unhappy family members and might be long term unsustainable.  Having said that, I love everything they are doing so can I just share some of my favorite articles and web sites that I have found without any other comment?

I hope you enjoy this as much as I have.


CNN Article on Real Food Challenge

Globe and Mail Article...subject: It's not as easy as it looks.... :)

The Nourished Kitchen: 28 Day Real Food Challenge

Here are the archives of the process

Let me know if anyone tries this.