things are stirring this up right now. One of them is the book I am
currently reading, "Plague" by Judy Mikovits. This is a discussion of
the presence of retrovirus in the blood and vaccine supply. It is connected to using human and animal tissue. The more we know, the more we know what we don't know
The other is the debate currently going on locally within the Christian community over whether or not vaccines,
in balance, are good, lifesaving and life giving. I absolutely am on
one side of this debate, weighted down as far as I can go. That does
not mean that there is not another side.
#1 of 7 -
People of
vaccines and the abortion industry.
People of
please hear my heart. Please choose not to be offended, but listen.
If you disagree, please, let's talk or message privately.
The abortion industry and the
vaccine industry are linked together. For me personally, as a person of
faith, EVEN IF
were safe, effective and absolutely did what the pharmaceutical
industry claims WITHOUT ANY side effects EVER ..... For me, I cannot
participate. My children cannot participate. Even if there were no
other issues.
The Bible does not ever, to my knowledge, justify
child sacrifice. If I am wrong, I am willing to be publicly and
privately corrected.
vaccine industry needs human cells for two things that I am aware of. Again, I am absolutely willing to be corrected if I am in error.
Need one: a medium to grow virus in. (Specifics in a further post)
Need two: the subject of this paper. Humanized lab animals for testing and maybe other things.
am not going to lie to you. I don't like studying, thinking about or
discussing this. I know a little too much about the process and it
drives me to my knees in sorrow and grief.
People of
faith, Please, please study this. If I am in error, let me know.
From this paper: "Recent developments and comparative aspects of human immune system mice.
Improved human antibody and cellular immune responses in new generation humanized mice.
transgenic immunodeficient mice expressing HLA class I and II, human
cytokine and growth factors to generate improved humanized mice.
Vaccine testing and generation of human monoclonal antibodies in humanized mice.
Immuno-enhancement approaches on the basis of interfering with PD-1 pathway.
new humanized mouse models with a transplanted human immune system have
a capacity for de novo multilineage human hematopoiesis and generate T
cells, B cells, macrophages, dendritic cells and NK cells. Of the two
current leading humanized mouse models, the hu-HSC model is created by
human hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) engraftment whereas the BLT mouse
model is prepared by co-transplantation of human fetal liver, thymus and
HSC. Humoral and cellular immune responses are seen in both models
after immunization with antigens or infection with hematotropic
pathogens such as EBV, HIV-1 and dengue viruses. While consistent
antigen specific IgM production is seen, IgG responses were found to be
generally feeble which is attributed to inefficient immunoglobulin class
switching. BLT mice permit human HLA restricted T cell responses due to
the autologous human thymus contributing to T cell maturation. Use of
HLA Class I and II transgenic hu-HSC mice recently demonstrated that the
HLA restriction deficiency could be overcome in this model. However,
the overall vigor of the immune responses needs further improvement in
both the models to approach that of the human. Towards this goal,
supplementation with human cytokines and growth factors by transgenesis
to improve human cell reconstitution and their homeostatic maintenance
are beginning to yield improved mouse strains to create more robust
human immune competent mice for immunoprophylaxis studies.
Human immune responses and potential for vaccine assessment in humanized mice
#2 of 7 -
People of
vaccines, abortion
This is intended to be a series.
people of
faith, please hear my heart. This is not fun. It is critically important.
have a term for these humanized lab animals. It is "chimera". Part
animal, part human. Human babies are needed to create these chimeras.
Another term I ran across is Hu-Mice.
This article describes in
detail how to make chimera. I have read any number of bioethics papers
on this entire process. There are a lot of big words to justify the
practice and a lot of big words to condemn it.
Nowhere in
scripture can I find a justification for the use of sacrificed children
to make your life or your children's life better.
We do not belong to this world.
the paper: "Seventeen to 22 week gestational tissues (Advanced
Biosciences Resources) were prepared in a biological safety hood by
cutting the tissues into 1-2 mm3 pieces and placing them in a covered
petri dish on ice in matrigel,” the scientists wrote.
Each mouse
would get a piece of thymus and a piece of liver taken from the same
17-to-22-week gestational age human baby. The part of the liver not cut
into small pieces and transplanted under the kidney capsules of mice was
cut into small pieces and processed to make stem cells that were
injected into the mice after they underwent their transplantation
“The tissues were divided to give the surgeons
approximately the same amount of liver tissue as thymus,” the scientists
wrote. “The remainder of the liver was used to isolate hematopoietic
stem cells for injection following recovery from surgery.”
section of liver sufficient for transplantation was set aside and the
remaining liver was cut into very small pieces, dissecting out any
obvious connective tissue, the gall bladder and the bile duct,” the
scientists said in the part of the paper where they described how they
derived the stem cells from the human fetal liver.
When the
researchers were ready to transplant the human fetal liver and thymus
fragments into the mice, they formed a sort of surgical assembly line.
“We used a team of at least four
to perform surgery, each member at a dedicated station,” the government
researchers wrote. “One member performed prep and anesthesia, one
performed surgery, one closed the incision, and one handled anesthesia
reversal and recovery.
“An additional team member prepared stem cells in the lab while surgery was being performed,” they said.
single piece of tissue approximately 1-2 mm3, each from the thymus and
liver, was then pressed into the pocket under the [kidney] capsule using
a similarly altered sequencing pipette,” the scientists said. “Care was
taken not to tear the capsule and to ensure that the tissue was placed
securely in the capsule pocket.”
U.S. Government Made ‘Humanized’ Mice With Tissue from Babies 17- to 22-Weeks Gestational Age
#3 of 7 -
people of
Faith, abortions and
Well, this workshop summary speaks for itself.
of the human hemato-lymphoid system, host-pathogen relationships,
autoimmunity and transplantation has in the past been limited to in
vitro assays and in vivo large and small animal models. A clear
advantage of large animal models such as dogs, sheep, horses and
non-human primates is their genetic closeness to humans and the large
number of cells that can be obtained. However, ethical, practical and
financial considerations greatly limit their use for research purposes.
Although more genetically distant to humans, small animals such as mice
do share substantial similarities with humans in terms of physiological
parameters and genetic diversity; an added advantage is our ability to
alter their genome almost at will. A wide variety of mouse models have
indeed been instrumental in understanding human physiology, especially
the human immune system. Nonetheless, the differences remaining between
human and mouse are significant enough to warrant the creation of
chimeric mouse models bearing partial or intact human physiological
systems. This is accomplished by engrafting human cells and/or human
tissues into immunodeficient mouse strains incapable of rejecting these
xenogeneic grafts.The majority of the existing models are of mice that
carry a partial or a potentially intact immune system. These models run a
wide gamut, and include mice that express human genes in certain blood
cell types, mice repopulated with human peripheral blood cells and mice
given the complete complement of progenitor cells with the potential to
reconstitute the entire immune system. In addition, experimental systems
using other human tissue grafts have been created in order to study
host/pathogen interactions, vascular regeneration, and transplantation
tolerance. Clearly, combining these humanized tissue graft models with
the models carrying a complete human immune system holds great promise
for the development of improved
vaccines and
immunotherapeutics.This workshop provided a general overview of the
state of research in the development of a variety of humanized mouse
models as outlined below.
#4 of 7 -
People of
vaccines and abortions.
So, in this educational paper, we cover the scientific justification for the use of "hu-mice".
After all, it's just good business.
People of
faith, can you participate in this?
the paper: "The new humanized mouse models with a transplanted human
immune system have a capacity for de novo multilineage human
hematopoiesis and generate T cells, B cells, macrophages, dendritic
cells and NK cells. Of the two current leading humanized mouse models,
the hu-HSC model is created by human hematopoietic stem cell (HSC)
engraftment whereas the BLT mouse model is prepared by
co-transplantation of human fetal liver, thymus and HSC. Humoral and
cellular immune responses are seen in both models after immunization
with antigens or infection with hematotropic pathogens such as EBV,
HIV-1 and dengue viruses. While consistent antigen specific IgM
production is seen, IgG responses were found to be generally feeble
which is attributed to inefficient immunoglobulin class switching. BLT
mice permit human HLA restricted T cell responses due to the autologous
human thymus contributing to T cell maturation. Use of HLA Class I and
II transgenic hu-HSC mice recently demonstrated that the HLA restriction
deficiency could be overcome in this model. However, the overall vigor
of the immune responses needs further improvement in both the models to
approach that of the human. Towards this goal, supplementation with
human cytokines and growth factors by transgenesis to improve human cell
reconstitution and their homeostatic maintenance are beginning to yield
improved mouse strains to create more robust human immune competent
mice for immunoprophylaxis studies."
Human immune responses and potential for vaccine assessment in humanized mice
#5 of 7 - Christians,
vaccines and abortions
This is intended as a series.
The original use of sacrificed human babies for the
vaccine industry rests on the need to grow human virus on human cells.
even if there were NO issues of safety and effectiveness, does
scripture give us guidance on using sacrificed babies to make your or
your children's lives easier, safer or more comfortable?
If I have misunderstood any part of this, I am open to correction.
This article goes into the history and use of fetal cells in the
vaccine industry. It is a decent overview. To be honest, I actually disagree about their premise of the effectiveness of
vaccines, but that is a science based disagreement.
From the article: "The
process works by collecting samples of the actual virus, then growing
and altering them in the laboratory to make a weakened strain of the
disease. The weakened strain is put into a serum and administered into
the body (usually by injection). The body’s immune system is more
capable of attacking and destroying the weakened virus, and thus
develops the ability to effectively fight off the actual disease should
the person ever be exposed to it. The advent of
was a major milestone in medicine, saving millions of lives and saving
many others from the devastating effects of diseases like polio and
In order to develop the weakened viral strain, there
must be a medium or “cell culture” to grow it in. The virus invades the
culture cells, feeds off the cell, matures, and multiplies. The cell
cultures are a single type of cell that multiplies itself in a
predictable fashion and can be sustained in a laboratory setting for
years, even decades. These long-lasting cell cultures are called “cell
lines.” The original cells that start these cell lines have been taken
from a wide variety of sources, from monkey embryo and kidney cells, to
chicken and rabbit embryos, and tragically, from aborted human babies.
The issue of concern is that many common
vaccines were developed using cell lines that originally were cells taken from electively aborted babies. The
themselves do not contain fetal cells, but there are significant
“residual” biological components from the fetal cells that have been
assimilated into the
vaccine, including cell proteins and measurable portions of fetal DNA."
Vaccines, Abortion & Fetal Tissue
#6 of 7-
People of
vaccinations and abortions.
This is a series. Please read them all.
Please take these ideas of abortion and
as ideas to take to the Lord in prayer. No matter your religion, if
your heart is grieved, please genuinely repent, go to the Elders of your
faith, ask for prayer and healing oil.
serve a mighty and just God who is quick to forgive. Our bodies were
beautifully created to heal, given the right conditions or a creative
This exemption should be adequate for any school or
institution. If the school will not accept it, no matter the cost, is
this a place that you want molding your child?
You can change the wording to reflect your
faith. I would not have it notarized, but ask the Pastor or Elders to sign it.
Parenting is a the job. Do it well.
To all concerned parties:
letter is to serve as notification that ____________________________
and ___________________________, the parents of
__________________________, born __________, ___, 20___, are exercising
our right to a religious waiver on all future childhood
vaccinations because we find them to be in extreme violations of our personal religious beliefs.
The following are ways in which these violations manifest themselves in the
vaccinations recommended by the Center for Disease Control.
use of cells, cellular debris, protein, and DNA from willfully aborted
human children found in Adenovirus, Polio, Dtap/Polio/HiB Combo, Hep A,
Hep A/Hep B Combo, MMR, MMRV Pro Quad, Rabies, Varicella, and the
vaccines violate the very basic
commands found in Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:15 which instructs us
to not murder. The following ingredients were derived from no fewer than
107 human souls who were sacrificed for social reasons and then used in
past and ongoing
vaccine research: PER C6,
HEK293, WI-38 (RA 27/3), WI-1, WI-2, WI-3, WI-4, WI-5, WI-6, WI-7, WI-8,
WI-9, WI-10, WI-11, WI-12, WI-13, WI-14, WI-15, WI-16, WI-17, WI-18,
WI-19, WI-20, WI-21, WI-22, WI-23, WI-24, WI-25, WI-26, WI-27, WI-38,
WI-44, and MCR-5 plus many other ingredients obtained from human
children not required to be listed by FDA guidelines. Supporting
vaccinations and
vaccination developments is an endorsement of the sacrifice of those and the continuing sacrifice of other human souls.
Genesis 4:1, 17 and Jeremiah 1:5 demonstrate that the deceased children used in the aforementioned
were recognized by God as human souls from the point of conception in
the same way that we, as parents, recognized our child as a human from
the moment we were aware of his/her presence in his/her mother’s wombs.
1:27 - 28, 4:1, 2 Kings 17:17-18, Psalm 22:10-11, 106: 35, 37-38,
113:7-9, 127:3, 139:13-16, Amos 1:13, Matthew 18:1-4, and Matthew
19:13-15 are just a few verses that illustrate the aforementioned
children as blessings from God that are valued and loved by him, their
Creator, in whose image they were created and that their killing is
condemned and causes God's destructive anger to burn against their
murderers and those complicit in those murders.
Exodus 20:13,
Leviticus 18:21 & 20:2-5, Deuteronomy 5:13, 12:30-32, 18:10, 2 Kings
16:3, and Psalm 106:38 illustrate that all child sacrifice is condemned
with no exception clauses allowing for the greater good or public
exception clauses found anywhere in the sacred scriptures.
Corinthians 6:19-20 and 10:31 remind us that we are to regard our bodies
a temples of God's Holy Spirit and that we are to honor God, our
Creator and possessor of our very bodies by not defiling them.
Notwithstanding the presence of socially sacrificed human cells and
debris in
vaccinations, we firmly believe that
the presence of neurotoxins, hazardous substances, attenuated viruses,
animal cells, foreign DNA, albumin from human blood, carcinogens, and
chemical wastes is in strict violation of our imperative to treat our
bodies as holy temples of the very Spirit of God.
Genesis 9:4,
Leviticus 17:10-11, 17:14, Deuteronomy 12:23, Acts 15:20 and 29 informs
us that blood represents the life force of human and animal species and
that human blood was to be kept pure under all circumstances and free
from contaminants such as animal cells, parts, and blood.
We thank
you for respectfully adhering to our first amendment rights guaranteed
as citizens of the United States of America by her great Constitution
and reinforced on a state level by the fourteenth amendment without
Maternal Parent printed name:_________________________
Maternal Parent signature:_______________________________________________________
Date signed:___________________
Paternal Parent printed name:____________________________________________________
Paternal Parent signature:_______________________________________________________
Date signed:___________________
Notary public witness:
State of _________________________________, ________________________ County
a Notary Public for said County and State, do hereby certify that
____________________________ and _________________________________personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument.
Witness my hand and official seal, this the ______ day of ______________, 20 ____.
VACCINE - Religious Exemption with scriptural support
#7 of 7
Hopefully you can hear my heart of love in this. I am
not saying any of this to condemn, I am speaking a necessary but
unpleasant truth.
So, for us, question number one on this list of
questions is enough. We don't actually need to go further. We are
simple people.
Our family cannot
knowingly participate in the industry of vaccination and/or abortion.
Unless someone can show me scripturally where it is acceptable to God to
use sacrificed human babies to grow our virus' for vaccinations; to use
sacrificed human babies to turn into lab animals for better testing,
research, development or study.....
We just do not think that it
is ok to sacrifice babies so that our lives can be better, healthier,
more convenient, more comfortable.... I think I will stop here.
Vaccines are a permanent chemical alteration of your child. Please
genuinely research before you vaccinate. Research both sides with
integrity until you are comfortable.
Do not allow laws, pharma
bullies or scare tactics to dissuade your research. Once administered,
the vaccine can never be undone. Make sure you are 100% comfortable with
your decision.
YOU have a responsibility for the child in your care. Choose parenting. Sometimes (always) it is work. Research well.
Some questions to consider in your search for truth:
Was any part of this vaccine grown in human fetal cells acquired
through abortion? If so, is this a problem for you in your faith? Be
prayerful about this important decision.
Is there any mercury in this vaccine?
Is there more than the safety margin of the allowed daily maximum dose
of aluminum in this vaccine? (Daily maximum dose is approximately a
limit of 25 mcg per day OR 3-4mcg per kilogram per day) Dr. Sears has an
outstanding explanation on this.
Are there any other ingredients that you are concerned with?
Would you give this to your child to drink?
Are there any genetically altered ingredients in this vaccine (GMO's)? Is this important to your family?
What are the known potential side affects of this vaccine? (Suggestion, look at the manufacturer insert, not the CDC handout)
Can you access any double blind, placebo based trials showing safety
and efficacy for this vaccine? (Trials against a true placebo, not a
placebo with the adjuvants)
Can you access any double blind,
placebo based trials showing safety and efficacy with multiple doses of
true vaccines together?
Do you have an accurate risk/reward vision? Do you know the risks of both the vaccine AND the childhood ailment?
Can you find natural remedies for the childhood ailments that are proven to be successful?
Can you access accurate damage / death statistics for both the childhood ailment AND potential vaccine injury.
Do you know who is liable if your child is injured or dies as a direct result of the vaccination?
Be purposeful in your choice.
The Great Vaccination Debate